How To Be Happy 幸福祕訣
1. 常常施捨;(Give something away.)
2. 多行善事;(Do a kindness.)
3. 時刻感恩;(Give thanks always.)
4. 工作有朝氣、有活力;(Work with vim and vigor.)
5. 拜訪長輩,學習他們的經驗;(Visit the elderly and learn from their experience.)
6. 仔細看看嬰兒的臉,你會嘖嘖稱奇;(Look intently into the face of a baby and marvel.)
7. 笑口常開,是生活的潤滑劑;(Laugh often—it’s life’s lubricant.)
8. 不住禱告,好明白上帝的旨意;(Pray to know God’s way.)
9. 制訂計劃,好像你永遠不死(沒錯,你確實有永生);(Plan as though you will live forever—you will.)
10. 謹慎度日,好像今天是這輩子最後一天。(Live as though today is your last day on earth.)
靈命日糧 - 2007年1月11日
It is indeed a fact that most people want to be "happy" and it is safe to say most are not. Perhaps we are not looking in the right place, or perhaps true happiness can only be sought from a higher place. How can one be truly happy? May God be with you in your quest.
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