Wednesday, March 21, 2007

An Atheist’s Witness 至高真愛


比如說,佛洛伊德(Freud) 寫到,「逃離人生憂慮」和「忘卻人生悲劇」(“escape from the cares of life” and “forget real misery”) 的最佳方式乃是「期待從愛和被愛中得到一切滿足。」(“that expects all satisfaction to come from loving and being loved.” ) 在這一點上,佛洛伊德與以愛為中心的聖經觀點相同。

聖經說,「上帝就是愛」(約翰一書4章8節);同時也強調,「使人生發仁愛的信心才有功效」(加拉太書5章6節)。因此,我們面對最大的問 題,是如何除去只愛自己的罪性,真誠地愛上帝、愛鄰舍(馬太福音22章37-39節;約翰一書3章14節)。福音就是講述基督改變人生命的大愛,它為這個 問題提供了唯一的答案。使徒保羅在羅馬書5章5節說:「聖靈將上帝的愛澆灌在我們心裏。」


靈命日糧 - 2007年3月21日

The scripture specifically asks us to obey the Great Commandment, i.e. to love God and love each other. The atheist psychologist Freud, as cited above, also emphasized the importance of the action of loving others and being loved. What is love? How do we love? Will love last? If so, how? The study, search, understanding, and pursuit of love should be a central part of our devotional and daily life. God bless.


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