Thursday, September 28, 2006


"...我與一個牧師朋友共進午餐,傷心地談到另一個牧者朋友道德上的失足。這位朋友跌倒了,現在已經不在教會服事,我們為他難過時,我大聲說道:「我知道每個人 都會遇到試探,也知道每個人都可能跌倒,但是他那麼聰明,怎麼會以為自己能勝過這試探呢?」我的朋友毫不遲疑地答道:「罪使人愚笨。」朋友說這突兀的話是 想引起我的注意,他做到了。

其後數年,我常想起這句話,並且覺得這句話很有智慧。否則你怎麼解釋大衛王,這位合上帝心意的人竟會犯下淫亂及謀殺罪?怎麼解釋參孫不顧後果的選擇?怎麼 解釋彼得這位耶穌最有名的門徒竟公然否認主?我們都不是完人,容易落入試探,甚至能自欺欺人,把自己的每項錯誤都合理化。


靈命日糧 - 2006年9月28日

Yes, it would be indeed foolish not to take the power of sin seriously regardless of one's ministry. The questions is probably not 'Why' one falls, but 'When'. One important defense against sin is love for God and obediance to Him, i.e. the Great Commandment. It is also important that we learn not to judge others so that we obey God, and lest we learn to hate people. Leave all judgments to God.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


"... 我們服事主,就沒有資格追逐權力,沒有權利渴求聲望,也沒有理由自高自大、自吹自擂。如果我們能以耶穌為中心,在幕後安靜地服事,豈不是更好?耶穌是我們的榜樣:「人子來不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人。」(馬太福音20章28節) 你是牧師?是老師?是執事?是宣教士?還是會友?倘若你追逐權力,或許你能夠得到,但這種權力會成為破壞教會事工的力量。..."
靈命日糧 - 2006年9月24日

Very touched and impressed by Lord Jesus's words that He came to serve, not to be served! How wonderful it would be if we could all keep this in heart, yet how hard it is very hard to do. We are living in a fallen world and identify ourselves with many of the "worldly values". Perhaps one can ask how valuable one is, instead of how successful one has been. Can one be very successful but be of no value in the eyes of God?

Thursday, September 14, 2006


"... 默默無聞及隱姓埋名有好的一面,因為在大眾面前拋頭露面,讓人很難不去擔心,自己的行為會給人留下什麼印象。我們會因為名聲提高或受損的程度而惴惴不安,因此便埋下一種危險,就是在某種程度尋求人的認同,而失去上帝的讚許。而在另一方面,失去人的仰慕能讓我們單單尋求上帝的讚許。


- 靈命日糧 - 2006年9月14日

Surely it is important to obey God and to please Him with our actions, and do them out of our love for Him. Love for God should be the sole motive driving us, not the praise from people. God will reward us in His time, but one should not expect to be awarded if his action was done for the wrong reason. God is watching us and knows our heart.